We had the chance to speak with the Events Director of The Mentoring Circle (TMC) in Singapore Management University (SMU), Tan Peng Peng. This 21 year-old psychology student opened up about her thoughts on giving back to society and how she started on her journey with TMC in her school.

So what is TMC?

TMC is, in their own words, the first of its kind. In collaboration with the SMU Office of Alumni Relations and founded on the principles of giving and professional excellence, TMC envisions a university where future generations are consistently better than the last. They are calling out to all who have ever felt lost, confused or just in need of a supportive community in SMU.

Before becoming a part of TMC, Peng Peng had actively volunteered with different organisations, mostly leaning towards causes that aid in economic development and youths.


When this student entered SMU, TMC immediately caught her attention because TMC showcased its strong want to help people build lasting friendships that go beyond the typical mentor-mentee relationships in the general consulting field. Peng Peng knew that she wanted to help others through sharing her own experiences by becoming a mentor and thought that TMC would be a great way to get herself started on doing something that she would truly be passionate in.

“I believe that not everyone is privileged enough to have a mentor, especially one who is willing and patient enough to tend to all their queries.”

Within a year of joining TMC, Peng Peng quickly took up the role of Events Director after benefitting as a mentee in the group through the many friendships that she had formed and realising the passion that the people around her in TMC had!

She told us that she thoroughly appreciates the many networking sessions that she participated in that opened her eyes to the industry.

“The TMC environment embodies the very idea of learning and being learnable, which generates a culture of individuals who are spurred on to achieve our visions and culminates in a spiralling fashion as we pay that forward! I want to be a part of this visionary change and thus, began to be a lot more involved!”

What made TMC so special?

We asked Peng Peng what was the most memorable experience that she had during his time in TMC and her answer was simple, “It is still ongoing, really!”

She expressed that she had the privilege to meet driven and helpful people that are dedicated to sharing their expertise and linking participants up with other relevant people in hopes to help them improve themselves and understand the industry much better.  She told us that through the many casual conversations and moments that she had with everyone in TMC, and the chance to network with industry experts, she was able to form many rich and lasting relationships and friendships!

Has your work made an impact on our society?

It is noble to do something to give back to our society and we are appreciative for Peng Peng and TMC for the work that they have done in hopes to inspire others and give back to our society.

But how, exactly?

Peng Peng told us that in TMC, it is a two-way street. When mentees gain experiences and knowledge, mentors gain as well! Through celebrating the success of having learnt various new skills, or figuring out what choices in life should be eliminated, she feels that one would be able to gain a better vision of where one would aspire to move towards. These are things that the school curriculum does not provide and TMC gave her a chance to learn how to marry her interests and her expertise.

She believes that for mentees who had came forward for help had the opportunity to walk away with a vision of hope and trust, after a session with the mentors at TMC. She also believes that mentees who had a less impactful experience would be influenced by the act of helping others and go forward to do the same in society.

“As we foster this culture of learning, I believe we will go on to more readily share what we know, reinforce what we already know and find out what we may not yet know.”

Any advice for those who want to make an impact?

We wanted Peng Peng’s thoughts and advice on how others can give back to society.

She told us that everyone should give back to society and help others, simply because WE CAN. She expressed that she has benefitted from others and she would want for others to benefit from him as well. She feels that doing such acts of kindness is fulfilling. You never know how you would impact someone else’s life and Peng Peng agrees by saying that just by simply introducing someone to another person, you may have unknowingly changed the trajectory of that person’s life for the better.

She also told us that she feels that giving back also benefits the giver. She said that in some circumstances, you may even reconnect with someone that you have not talked to in awhile and you get an opportunity to strengthen your fundamentals and remember where and how you got to where you are today. Giving back keeps people grounded, humble and grateful!

Her advice to those who want to give back is to Start Wherever You Are.

“Start by being a friend to someone, asking others questions or linking up with CCA/ interest clubs/ organisations that can help you with what you feel most for. Start by buying someone a meal or simply being appreciative & encouraging. Start wherever you are. Start doing, and learn more along the way.”

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